In a Time of Uncertainty


In a Time of Uncertainty

What a time of uncertainty we are facing these days. The COVID-19 virus has created a time of uncertainty, change in our daily living, serious sickness, and death to many. All of this has created a widespread FEAR that has paralyzed us in many ways. In many cities and states businesses are closing - people are being laid off or have lost their jobs because of a mandatory quarantine. We are seeing a shortage of medical supplies and food as well as scientists, doctors and health officials racing to find a cure to end this pandemic.

What can we do?

Who can we turn to?

How are we going to get through this?

In Psalm 40, the writer David had these questions and more as he was going through a crisis in his own life. Psalm 40 reflects the strength, comfort and encouragement that David found as he turned to the Lord. In verses 1-3 we see what David did and what God did for David.

In verse 1 we are reminded that when we seek God, He HEARS us. David said, “He turned to me and heard my cry for help.” The word turn here means to give attention to. When we call on God, He gives full attention to what we are asking for and what is best for us.

In verse 2 we see that God will HELP us. Notice the words, “He brought me up …” Here David tells us that God lifted him up from a “pit” or the great difficulty that he was facing. The “pit” in our lives can be a place of sickness, pain or struggle in our lives. It can be facing a national and international crisis as we are with COVID-19. All of this can discourage us, keep us down, search for anything and anyone other than God to get us through the crisis.

Then in verse 3 we see the HOPE that God gives. David said that, “He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.”David turned to God and asked God to help him. We too need to turn to God, “…my help comes from the Lord who made made heaven and earth”, Psalm 121:1. As we seek God he HEARS us and will HELP us, but we must seek Him.

Getting through this crisis or a personal crisis of our own will happen when we seek God and trust Him. When we do, there will be a day when we will experience God’s HOPE and HEALING in our lives.

Father, I call on you and ask you to help our nation and the world. We are in a “pit” right now with the worry, uncertainty, fear, serious sickness and death that the COVID-19 virus has caused. We seek you and turn this over to you for the help, healing and hope that we need. As you heard David and helped him in his crisis, please help our nation and our world at this time. I look to you for the help that we need and know with confidence that our help will come from you. In Jesus Name, Amen.


How Stretched Are You?


How Stretched Are You?

Rubber bands come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. But the all work with the same principle - they must be stretched to be effective. Like rubber bands, there are times in our live that we’re not effective unless we’re stretched a bit.

In Philippians 3:14, Paul gives us a picture of a runner stretching out to cross over the finish line first.

“I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s Heavenly call in Christ Jesus.”

The word “pursue” means to press forward, or to put all your strength and effort into something.

In our lives, God may use people, circumstances, difficulties, or unexpected events to stretch you and to draw you closer to Him; to bring you to a pace and position of trusting Him. He wants you to be more and more like Christ and to become all that you can be in and through Him.

It has been said that, “every person who has ever achieved anything stretched for it.” Are you willing to be stretched? If so, you will become more like Christ and experience all that Christ wants you to be. Don’t miss that!


Is There Anything Too Hard for The Lord?


Is There Anything Too Hard for The Lord?

Genesis 18:14

In this Old Testament passage of scripture we see one question with a one word answer.

The question: “Is anything impossible for the LORD?”

The obvious answer: NO!

In this passage, we have a great promise being given to Abraham. In one year, God will allow Sarah to have a son. Even at Sarah’s advanced age, God is going to allow her to get pregnant. To this couple, just when they thought something was impossible, God was making it possible by revealing who He is and what He could do. He is Jehovah-Jireh, the God who can and will provide!

What is it that seems to be impossible in your life? Is it financial need, a broken marriage, a difficult person at work, a medical diagnosis that you have just received?

Don’t stop praying, believing, trusting God who can take the “impossible” and make POSSIBLE. Don’t stop seeking Him, for if you do, you may miss the answer!


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JANUARY 10, 2017

“The LORD is near to all who call on him”
Psalm 145:18


Wow, I love the first four words of Psalm 145 and verse 18. These words, “... the LORD is near ...” is promise to us and in this promise we have His assurance that He is with us and that we can have access to Him at any moment.

As believers in Christ we have access to our Father, “For through him (Christ) we both have access in one spirit to the Father.”, Ephesians 2:18 .This access to the Father gives us peace in times of fear, security in difficult moments and a confidence that we need daily. We have no need to fear when we know that our Father is near!


Open God’s word today ... He is near. Spend some time in prayer today ... He is near and knows what we have need before we even ask, Matthew 6:8. And listen for His voiceof direction that he has for you as he desires to fulfill the purpose that he has for your life.

Today remember that, “... the LORD is near.” Now that is some DAILY HOPE for you!  

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JANUARY 4, 2017

PSALM 28:6

On this first day of the 2017, Robin and I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and pray that this new year will be filled with God’s blessings and best for you.

Psalm 28 is a prayer by David as he was surrounded by the trouble and struggles that he was facing. He is reminding us in this Psalm that prayer is our best help trials and testings come our way. Prayer keeps us in communion with God and He is who we need to be turning to and trusting in daily. In this one verse David is praising God for hearing his prayer that he will trust Him. David is acknowledgingthat through trusting God, he will be his strength and his protection and that God will be faithful to help. 

I am looking forward to the the new year of 2017, are you? I would like to encourage and challenge you to make 2017 a year of “TRUSTING” in God. Simply, trusting God everyday and for everything!. Take Psalm 28 and verse 6 and say daily, “in you my heart trust”

 “The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trust;
 and I am helped ...”

Let 2017 be a great year of trusting God everyday and for everything you have need and desire from Him and His will for your life!

                                                    Have a great 2017!

Dave & Robin McClamma
Hope For Brazil Ministries, Inc. 

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December 27, 2016


2 Corinthians 9:6-7


This passage of scripture from the Apostle Paul to believers in Corinth was written to challenge them in giving financial offerings and of themselves in service to the church. To give consistently of what God had blessed them with back to the church and to do so with a “cheerful” heart and spirit.


It’s a couple of days after Christmas, a time of celebrating the greatest gift of all gifs, Jesus Christ and giving many gifts to family and friends.


As Paul challenged the believers at Corinth to give let me challenge us all to keep on giving gifts. Let’s keep on giving gift of ENCOURAGEMENT to someone. A SMILE, a FINANCIAL gift to someone in need, a HELPING HAND and a LISTENING ear to that family member or friend who is struggling today. How about PRAYING for someone and one of the greatest gift that we can give to someone is sharing with them the “good news” of Jesus Christ and sharing with them how they can have eternal life in Christ.


Read Paul’s challenge in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 and think about what gifts you can give after Christmas. These gifts and more listed above can bring joy, peace and hope to those who will receive them. Giving can change their lives and the one who gave too. Share some DAILY HOPE through your giving! 



December 19, 2016

"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift"
2 Corinthians 9:15

In just a few days children moms dads and families will wake up on Christmas morning gather around the Christmas tree and open the gifts they have received

Over 2000 years ago and Angel spoke these words which the shepherds heard them first, "For unto you is born this day a Savior, who is Christ The Lord" Luke 2:11

Jesus is the gift. With all the last-minute shopping, parties, preparing for Christmas, let's keep the focus on the gift of all gifts, JESUS!


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DECEMBER 13, 2016


“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government
shall be on his shoulders and he will be called Wonderful, Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”    

Everyday we are bombarded with headlines. In the newspapers, on the TV and Radio there is one news headline after another. Some of these headlines are good while others are disturbing. Some are important and others no so important. There are headlines that need are attention and response and others that are designed to steal our attention and rob us of our time and energy.

Here is a headline that needs our attention. It is the best news every .......


The Birth of Jesus is the best news the world has ever received. Embrace this headline, receive it, give thanks for it and share it with someone today!

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December 5, 2016

PSALM 139;13-17 - PHILIPPIANS 2:13

The story is told that in 75 BC a young Roman nobleman names Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Pirates and held for ransom. When they demanded 20 Talents of silver on ransom (about $ 600,000 today), Caesar laughed and said the obviously had no idea who he was. He insisted they raise the ransom to 50 talents! Why? Because he believed he was worth far more than 20 talents.

Someone mentioned that, “our worth is not measured in term of monetary value by by what our heavenly Father has done on our behalf.”

How thankful we are for the worth and the value that God places on each of us. The very fact that He created us, loves us and has a purpose and a plan for our lives brings, great valve to who we are. He has saved us and redeemed us through giving us His Son to die on the Cross. What a price He paid for our lives and all that He wants to do with and through our lives. Today find some DAILY HOPE in who you are and in whose you are! To God be the GLORY!



November 28, 2016

“Be stilland know that I am God; I will be exalted among
the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

                                                        Psalm 46:10


In this one verse we have two things that we need to focus on. In this one verse there is a command with a promise.

The command -  “Be still ...”

The promise -  “... know that I am God ...”

We are given a command to slow down, to be quiet, to be open to listening to God’s voice, to reflect on His word that he has given to us. When we do we will experience His peace, His provision knowing the plan that he has for us and fulfilling His purpose for our lives. 

Take a moment before you begin your busy day and be still, and know that He is God. Now, that is some DAILY HOPE for your life!


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NOVEMBER 23, 2016

PSALM 150:1-6

In just a few days we will be celebrating Thanksgiving, a day of being with family and friends, eating a lot and giving thanks for many things. This focus on “giving thanks” should not be a one day or once a year emphasis. Daily and weekly, we should be focusing on “giving thanks” and “praise” for all that God has done and is doing in our lives.

In Psalm 150, the writer David expresses praise and thanksgiving to God and for all that He has done for him. He uses the word “praise” 13 different times. In these 6 verses David refers to several instruments that can express praise and thanksgiving when played. Here, he is encouraging us to be “instruments” of praise sounding out the overflow of your joyful heart.

Let me encourage you to make a list of at least 10 things that you are thankful and gave praise for. Share these with your family and friends on Thanksgiving Day. Let this also be the start of a new focus on making everyday a day of praise and thanksgiving to God and letting your life be an instrument to praise before others of who God is and what HE can do. Start with giving praise for your salvation and the DAILY HOPE we have in Christ.


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November 7, 2016

 “The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe”

Proverbs 18:10

The book of Proverbs all about godly wisdom. Reading through the book of Proverbs gives us a greater understanding of what wisdom is and how to get it and use it in our lives daily. In Proverbs 8 and verse 10 we have Solomon the writer reminding us that there will be moments in life that where we will hear God say, “RUN TO ME!” In you life and in mind, there will be times of discouragement, doubt and faced with making some decisions that we will need to RUN TO GOD, to turn to Him and not from Him. When we do there will be peace, safety, assurance and direction from Him. What are you facing today? Remember the LORD is for you and have a purpose and a plan for you. He is your “tower”, your “strength” and the very one you can turn to. Run to HIM and find the DAILY HOPE that you need and that He has for you. 



November 1, 2016

Ephesians 3:20

I love surprises and my guess is you do too. There is something special, exciting, and beyond our expectations when we are surprised by someone or with something. Paul in Ephesians 3 and verse 20 challenges us to pray for the unexpected, the unusual, and the unbelievable. Praying to put ourselves in the position to receive, be blessed or surprised. Let’s look at three key phrases in this verse: “Now to him…” The “him” refers to Jehovah Jireh, the one who provides. “Who is able to do…” Truly God is able, willing, and ready to answer our prayers and to for us what we by faith are asking. “Immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…” Our God is not only able to do for us, but He wants to do more for us, exceedingly more. To put us in this, “surprise me Lord” position, we must do three things. We must ASK, BELIEVE and completely TRUST Him for that which we are praying for. It’s been said that, “God’s answers to our prayers may as well exceed our expectations.” John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”  Those that pray trust God completely and believe put themselves in position to receive. God will provide, and when he does, you will be satisfied. How exciting is that!


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October 24, 2016

Every day of our lives we face a variety of challenges, circumstances, conflicts and problems. Speaking of problems, the great football coach and now sports commentator Lou Holtz once said this about problem: “Don’t share your problem with people, 80% have them and the other 20% don’t care”  That may be true in the real world but in the world of the believer, there is someone who cares about the challenges you are facing, the circumstances your are going through as well as the conflicts and the problems you have encountered. It is the LORD and in Proverbs 3, verses 5 & 6 we are given some instruction in how we can conquer all of this. Here are three things we need to do ...

1.  We are to TRUST in the Lord,
         “Trust in the LORD .....”

2.  we are to TURN all of this over to the
          “And lean not on your own understanding”

3.  We are to THANK Him for allowing all of this. Yes, thank Him because it gives you and      opportunity to TURN and TRUST Him.
          “.... in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight”

When facing all this, especially problems be reminded of this. that problems are not really problems but opportunities to TRUST the LORD. Give all of this stuff along withyour problems to the LORD. Place it all in His hands and give Him an opportunity to work it out for your GOOD and His GLORY! Now that’s some DAILY HOPE for today and every day this week!

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October 17, 2016

Take a few minutes today and read Galatians 5 and verses 16-26. After reading these verses, think about this question .... What’s on your “to do” list today?

Every day we have things that must get done and things that we would like to get done. While “to do” lists are helpful in keeping us on task, and getting much accomplished during the day, let’s consider another list that will help develop our character and example before others. Let’s call it a “to be” list and that is where our scripturepassage for this week gives us the DAILY HOPE for this week.

In Galatians chapter 5 and verses 22 and 23, there is a list of character traits that make up what is know as the Fruit of the Spirit or that which the Spirit of God can and will produce in every believer. Developing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control can build personal character and open up opportunities to serve and reach others for Christ.

The “to do” list keeps us on task to accomplish things. Having a “to be” list develops us, grows us and positions us to become all that God wants us to be. It’s been said that, “It’s not what you DO, but who you ARE that’s most important”. Think about that!



October 10, 2016

Exodus 23:20

"Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to guard you along the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.”

What a great promise is given to Moses and the Israelites. God was assigning an Angel to go ahead of the Israelites to make the way SAFE and to bring them to an appointed PLACE that God had for them. Notice in verse 20 we read the promise to them, “…to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.”

As the Israelites faced fear, uncertainty, unpaved roads, unusual food, and a “you must not do” list a mile long. God basically said “I will take care of you, lead you and bring you safely to a place that I have for you. I have it covered.” Wow, what a promise! Do you need an Angel today? Ask God, He has plenty!

Today, look for those places God has prepared for you to stop and encourage or pray for someone, to share the “good news” of Jesus to help meet a need in someone’s life. Look for those “God appointments” that He has for you. 



October 4, 2016

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Jesus Christ.”

I Corinthians 11:1

The story is told of a Christian serving in the armed forces who has been home of furlough. He was rushing to catch the train to return to duty, when he ran into a fruit stand on the station platform, knocking most of the piled-up apples to the ground. The young boy who operated the stand tried to pick up his scattered fruit but was having difficulty. The service man stopped, turned around, put down his suitcase and started collecting and picking up the apples. As he picked up the apples he polished each one with his handkerchief and put them back on the stand. So impressed was the boy that he asked, “Soldier, are you Jesus?” With a smile the soldier replied, “No, but I’m trying to be like Him.”

 In our scripture verse, Paul is encouraging believers in Christ to follow Christ and in their lives be an example of Him. Every day we encounter people that need Jesus in their lives. They need His love, forgiveness, the joy, peace and hope that he can give and the eternal life that He offers. In our daily lives we need to be like Jesus in our words, actions, acts of kindness and caring for others.

In applying this verse to your life today, think about this question, Would anyone ask you, “Are you Jesus?” Make a list of ways in your life you could imitate or demonstrate Jesus to others. In this world in which you live there will be plenty of opportunities to show WHO Jesus is, what He has done and can DO for their life through your life. Demonstrate this week the DAILY HOPE that you have in Christ through your LIFE!



September 26, 2016

Exodus 14:5-14

In this scripture reading we see Moses and the children of Israel experiencing some tough times in the middle of the wilderness. The people were getting hungry, tired,  mad, discouraged and close to defeat. On top of all that, they had the Egyptian Army coming after them. Moses, seeing this, turned to God and called on Him for help. In verses 13 and 14 of our scripture reading , we see Moses addressing the people with great confidence in what he believed God could do. Moses said to the people .....

“Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD

will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.

The LORD will fight for you ...”

Wow ... what HOPE God had given Moses and that he was now giving to the Children of Israel. Whatever you are facing today, don’t give in. remember that God LOVES you, He AFFIRMS you, will STAND with you, PROVIDE for you and yes, will FIGHT for you. Take on the determination that Moses had, to “stand firm” and see the deliverance theLORD will bring.

What are you facing in your life that need the God to stand with you and to fight for you?  Remember that He loves you and will stand with you. That the battle is the LORD’S and that’s confidence you need and the DAILY HOPE you can have every day!

Father, bless the readers of DAILY HOPE today. You know what they are facing. Thank you for standing with them, loving them, pulling and fighting for them in the battles they are facing. Help them to trust you and to keep looking to you for what you can and will do in their lives. In Jesus name, Amen



September 19, 2016

Life is difficult and some days are really hard to face and get through. In Psalm 37, verses 1-9, we are given some instructions on how we can face and handle all of which life throws at us. Take a minute to read and look other these verses and see 7 WAYS you can handle your 7 DAYS in his week ....


1. Daily decide not to get UPSET at people, about people and the problems they

    can cause us, verse 1

2.  Daily TRUST God and spend time with Him daily through His word and prayer,

    verse 3

3.  Daily LOOK for where God is working and what He is doing in you and for you,

    verse 4

4.  Daily COMMIT everything to God, verse 5. Please your problems and those difficult

    people in His hands. Release it all to Him!

5.  Daily PRAY about things, verse 7. Praying bring peace, calm spirit and assurance.

6.  Daily, decide not to be ANDRY about what you might be facing or going through,

    verse 8

 7. Daily, WAIT for God to give the answer of provide what you have need of, verse 9


Begin today to apply any one of these seven ways that will help you to handle any one of the seven days in your week. Keep a journal listing how you handled each day using these seven ways and the DAILY HOPE that you will receive looking to God. Have a GREAT week!






September 13, 2016

“Thy word is a lamb unto my feet and a light unto my path”

Psalm 119:105


The Summer months, vacations and traveling is behind us. But if there is still one more trip that is being planned, I’m sure you have already looked at a map, “googled” your destination or have entered it in your GPS for the best roads, the amount of miles and how long it will take you to get there. The writer David in Psalm 119 and verse 105 reminds us that God’s word will give us the directions we need and will guide us to His will and plan for our lives. It is God’s word that is our own Global Positioning System. In Psalm 37, verse 23 we read, The LORD  makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him.” The two words, “make firm” means that God has prescribed or ordered the very steps He has for us and the very direction, guidance and leading to get us there. We can get to the PLACEand be a part of the very PLAN that God has for us by LOOKING to God for His direction, TRUSTING God every step of the way and OBEYING God all the way. When God guides us, we are sure to get to where He wants us be and what He has for us. His destination for us becomes our opportunity to fulfill His will and plan for our lives.

Are you including God in where you want to go in life? Take some time today topray and seek God in mapping out the destination he has for you. Begin in His word which is God’s Positioning System, or GPS for you. Let this bring some DAILY HOPE to you today!
